Narendra Modi Google+ Hangout on 31 August 2012 | Live Video Chat with Narendra Modi

Posted by Unknown On Monday, 27 August 2012
Live face to face conversation with Narendra Modi | Ask Question to Live Video Chat with Narendra Modi on | Speak to Narendra Modi on 31 August 2012

The Gujarat Chief Minister is all set to talk with people over Google+ Hangout.  Shri Narendra Modi is to be on a Live Video Chat. He will chat face to face with peoples of India. On 31st August 2012, Narendra Modi will be on Google+ Hangout with Indians.

The Google+ Hangout with Shri Narendra Modi is set to held on 31st August 2012. This is golden chance for those who always wants to have talk with Shri Narendra Modi, this is the time for them. He is the first Indian politician who is coming directly to connect with people through Video chat.
You just have to post a question either a text question or Video question. The question posted for him will be shortlisted and The selected questions will be invite to join Shri Narendra Modi on Google+ hangout. The The person whose question will be selected will be able to Live face to face talk with Shri Narendra Modi. The Last date for submitting question is 27th August midnight.

It is the first time in India that any politician will directly connect with people through Video chat. Lets talk about this on international level others who have interacted live with people before on Google+ hangout are USA President Barack Obama and Australia Prime Minister Julia Gillard.
Here is something for newbies.

What is Google+ Hangout?
A Google+ Hangout is an application that allows users to group video chat with up to a maximum number of 10 persons.

How to Video Chat with Narendra Modi?
·         Follow Narendra Modi on Google+ <Click Here>.
·         Post the question you want to ask to Narendra Modi <Click Here>

Want to chat with Narendra Modi? Just ask you question………
Best of Luck!!