bpsc.bih.nic.in - BPSC Assistant Professors, Vice Principal and Doctor Results 2012

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, 25 August 2012

BPSC Results 2012 | BPSC Asst Professor Final Result 2012 | BPSC Vice Principal/Doctor Result 2012 | BPSC Asst Professor Result Under Health Department 2012

Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has finally declared the final result for the post of Assistant Profess Vice Principal. The Interview was conducted for this recruitment from 14-05-2012 to 21-05-2012.
As the result has been declared, Now candidate started to search their result on Internet. If you are here and searching your result, You are on right place. The all candidate who appeared in the Interview can check their result below.
BPSC has declared its various post of Result as Doctor (Basic Grad), Vice Principal and Asst Professors final results.
·         The Interview exam was conducted for the post of Doctor (Basic Grade) on 14-05-2012 to 21-05-2012
·         The Interview was conducted for the post of Vice Principal on 11-05-2012
·         The Interview was conducted for the post of Asst Professor on the same time.
Check the Full Result given below.

Follow the Result if You want to download this result below.